We’re excited to share our latest small cell battery sorting solution “Batteray” Case Study. Engaging with recycling clients in the UK, EU, USA, and Australia, Batteray demonstrates its prowess in sorting batteries, resulting in a significant double-digit increase in revenue and profit.
Our battery type table has evolved to include the Li-Primary group, encompassing Li-MnO2, Li-SOCl2, and Li-FeS2. This enhancement optimizes sorting accuracy.
In contrast to manual pre-sorting, which is both dirty and inaccurate, our solution brings about substantial cost savings. Labels are often absent, and counterfeit cells pose a challenge, making manual sorting impractical.
Utilizing X-ray technology, our solution delves inside cells, establishing physical and chemical composition by comparing them to an AI-driven library of over 1000k stored X-ray images. Sorting occurs at an impressive rate of up to 12 cells per second, translating to 350kg to 400kg per hour.
We’re pleased to report purities exceeding 99.5%, marking a game-changing performance with less than 0.5% unrecognized, elevating the efficiency for our users.